Oh what a night!
I wasn’t exactly sure what to expect at my launch party this past Friday but I was blown away by your response and love. I cannot thank my wife and my children enough for all their hard work in prepping for this amazing event. My house smelled like popcorn and cookies for days. Lola you are amazing, I truly could not have done any of this without you.
The party started promptly at 6pm as the guests began to arrive there was a steady stream of people all with copies of my book and then an unexpected guest arrived straight from the streets of Gotham. BATMAN!
That’s right, Batman was at my launch party. I’m not sure but I think the list of authors who can say that is pretty small.
And the hits just kept coming from there. I was delighted to see dear friends and family, coworkers and literary colleagues as well as new friends interested in my work and a few who just wanted to use the bathroom.
It was such an incredible evening and I’m so thankful for all those who came and especially all those who helped with food, prep, cleanup and support. Also thank you to Suzanne and company at the OneOhOne gallery for your help and hospitality.
I woke up Saturday morning exhausted but so happy. Then I thought of my book signing later that day at Costco and immediately my nerves began to tingle like they hadn’t in years. It felt like the pre-game jitters I used to get in high school before a big game. I was sure I had exhausted all goodwill and interest from my friends and family and did not expect to see any of them come out to my signing and wasn’t sure anyone else would even care that I was there at all. Thankfully I was wrong. I arrived at Costco about a half hour early and the staff set up a table for me near the books, got me a bottle of water and wished me luck.
I really had no idea what to do so I just stood by my sign and began greeting people. Before too long a wonderful family (the Moore’s) stopped by the table and introduced themselves. They knew my parents and their son is a school friend with my oldest boy. They bought the first copy of the day and I was so relieved that I wouldn’t leave with a goose egg.
From that point on it was miraculous. With a steady flow of shoppers passing by my table I was able to attract their attention with a beautiful book cover, popcorn and my charming personality (yes, in that order). One by one the books were signed and sold. I had to make two trips back to the book section to get another stack. After just two and a half hours of conversing with people about a story I had work on for so long to bring to life, BOOM, I sold out. It was an incredible feeling.
I feel so blessed for the reception my story has received thus far and cannot wait for my next signing. When is that you say? I’m glad you asked. It’s this Friday February 19th at Barnes & Noble in Dana Park Village Square. Spread the word. Hope to see you there.