Tag: Free

Farewell, Aquarius

Many of you may not be aware of this, but my brother Adam is a rock star.  And I don’t mean that like “Thanks man, you’re a rock star.”  I mean he is a real live rock and roll musician.  I’ll admit I am late to the game on his newest album, released in September, but you know what they say, “better late than to stay an inconsiderate jerk so preoccupied with himself that he can’t sit down for fifty-three minutes and eight second to listen to the lyrical blood sweat and tears of his own brother”.  I’m pretty sure that’s how the expression goes.

Anywho, at long last I joined the party and really enjoyed it.  Farewell, Aquarius is a loving nod to the literal life raft that Aquarius was to the Apollo 13 astronauts and the salute of gratitude expressed when they parted ways.  I’d say that theme is a thread that runs through this album.  Like the Apollo 13 mission, life doesn’t go as planned, or like we’d hoped.  Farewell, Aquarius is about survival and resilience, it’s about holding on and letting go, it’s about closing chapters of struggle and beginning new chapters with hope.  The songs on this album span the wide range of human emotion and convey the spirit of a man and a musician that, despite disappointment and adversity, just keeps bringing it.


A track called “Intro” right up top was intriguing to me.  It seemed more like something that would begin a movie soundtrack rather than a rock album, but holy cow!  I loved this track.  A fitting blast off on this musical journey.  This may unseat “Seven Nation Army” and “Africa” as my hotel room wake up alarm jam.  And anyone who knows me knows that’s saying something.


“Free” pulls you in from the opening cord.  To stay with the space metaphor, this song is well placed on the album between “Intro” and “Long Live the King” as the beat drives you through the atmosphere and the lyrical melody eases you into space.

Long Live the King

This song feels a bit like a drift through the cosmos.  It’s slightly psychedelic with echoing voices floating in and out of guitar riffs.  It’s not really my style but well it’s a well-conceived and well executed piece of music.

In Control

A nostalgic trot back through time brings us to the here and now and boldly introduces an empowered ready voice that takes our hand and leads us into this ballad of affirmation.

Let It Happen

To me, “Let It Happen” is an ode to the saving power of love.  Love can pull you from the doldrums into a heavenly bliss.  This is a song you can just close your eyes and let it wash over you.

No Strings Attached

The drop-in for “No Strings Attached” is full of lament and frustration but quickly builds to an anthem of resilience.  It’s a flag in the ground and a promise to overcome.  “Here I am, I’m standing tall.  I won’t hold back, I won’t let go.  Through all the pain and all the tears and all the sorrow of the fears.  I hear the cry, I hear the sound, of all the voices beating down.  And I won’t bend I won’t back down until those voices stand their ground.”

Beside Myself

The haunting melody blends really well with the softer side of Adam’s voice in a dialed-down song on an intense album.  It’s just the respite the soul needs on the emotional journey that is Farewell, Aquarius.  There is a hint of hope in the hurt.  The promise of dreams despite the despair.  “Deep down, I know, that someday we’ll fly high again.”

Throw It All Away

This song speaks to a longing to wake someone up, someone you care about, and yet are helplessly at the mercy of their actions.  It’s both wanting to cling to them and leave all at once.  It has a very Police-like vibe that gets in your head and stays with you.

No Way Out

Easily my favorite song on the album, probably my favorite song he’s ever done.  I can listen to this song on repeat all day.  It’s catchy and the imaginary is outstanding.  I can literally see this song play out in front of me.  I might listen to it again right now.

I Will

I’ve been a fan of this song since an acoustic cut my brother shared with me years ago.  To finally hear it in its full rock n’ roll majesty is a treat.  “I Will” is that one last long look at the end of a relationship, that painful, beautiful, moment before you turn to face the crossroads before you.

Lost and Found

“Without my dreams I’m just a mortal.”  Mortality praises the divine in “Lost and Found”.  This number would elevate any Christian Rock album, but in tone and tenor completely belongs on this album at the same time.

See This Light

This is the longest song on the album and feels like its two songs.  It has a melancholy quality to it.  There’s a lot going on in this song and a lot to sink your teeth into.

I can’t say enough about how proud I am of my brother and what a beautiful piece of audio artwork he has created.  The band is EveningTheScore, you can check out his stuff on iTunes, Amazon, YouTube, or wherever you like to listen to music.